This is a video demonstrating my final project in university! The interface consists of an iPad and a Mac running MaxMSP. As you can see, the thing is buggy, unfinished and unpolished, but it was enough to demonstrate the concept and give me my degree!

The spheres on the iPad are drawn with OpenGL, while the data from the gestures are sent to MaxMSP via OSC. MaxMSP manipulates the sounds and sends OSC messages back to the iPad in order to deform the sphere drawings.

In this patch, the user controls a pre-recorded loop and a basic FM-ish synthesiser. By performing multi-touch gestures on the iPad screen the user can change various parameters in the audio chain like pitch, LFO speed and depth, distortion and more! The interface could be used for real time sound manipulation and experimentation.

This data flow presents noticeable latency, but hey, its just a quick and dirty demo!


Draw Sphere in OpenGL ES:

OSC Source Code for the iPhone platform:

OSC external for MaxMSP:

Elastix external for MaxMSP:

Special thanks to Oli Larkin for the help and guidance....
Music Spheres

Music Spheres

This is a video demonstrating my final project in university! The interface consists of an iPad and a Mac running MaxMSP. As you can see, the thi Read More
